The Power of Worship
/ Life Change

The Power of Worship

The history of the Haitian people is one of slavery and bondage due to Voodooism. God led my parents to start a mission in a very dark location where Voodoo was all around us. […]

Equipped to Serve Better
/ Life Change

Equipped to Serve Better

On October 25, 2020, our Bible college, The Royal Caribbean Institute, had its graduation several months late because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Of the 13 graduates, two are former New Missions students—Shequer Marc and Jackson Saint Lot. […]

A Graduation Celebration
/ Life Change

A Graduation Celebration

No doubt everyone reading this article has had to cancel or change plans this year due to the pandemic. Our students here in the DR are no exception; classes moved online in March and will continue online at least until January. […]

Called by God
/ Life Change

Called by God

Being a pastor requires a special calling by God. Each of our pastors in the DR has very different talents and abilities, and God uses each one of them for His glory. […]

Changed Lives
/ Life Change

Changed Lives

Back in the early 90s, I remember attending church at what we now call the Leogane-Guillaume campus. The building was a rickety shelter with a dirt floor, and there were just a few who attended. […]

The Power of One
/ Life Change

The Power of One

One person can make a difference. Five-year-old Kweicha Leyna Fontaine hopes that one person will be you. Kweicha loves playing with her dolls and going to school. […]

Changed to Make A Difference
/ Life Change

Changed to Make A Difference

Vilenny Santos Morrobel is the principal for the Bombita school in the Dominican Republic. Her job is to make sure that everything runs smoothly on the campus. It was through the ministry of New Missions that Vilenny asked Jesus to come into her life and heart. […]

Prayer Requests for Haiti
/ Life Change

Prayer Requests for Haiti

It’s been quite a year for Haiti. There has been much unrest in the country. And now, as with the rest of the world, Covid-19 has left its mark. […]

A Child's Dream
/ Life Change

A Child's Dream

Junior Isaac desperately wanted a sponsor. It was his dream, as he always heard his classmates talk about their sponsors. Junior wondered if anyone would love, encourage, and pray for him—as he saw his classmates’ experiences with their sponsors. […]

The Village of Bire
/ Life Change

The Village of Bire

Pastor Louis Jean Parnel did not grow up in a Christian family. For many years growing up, he lived with his uncle who was a Voodoo priest. Because of that, everyone thought he would become a Voodoo priest, as well. He would often help his uncle and be a part of the Voodoo culture. […]

Who But Knows?
/ Life Change

Who But Knows?

Jessica’s mom used to sell vegetables in the Mare-Chal area. When her mother saw an opportunity for Jessica to enroll in the New Missions school there, she sent her to live with an aunt in that area. […]

Back to School!
/ Life Change

Back to School!

As many children head back to school, 10-year-old Junior Isaac can’t wait! He loves to learn and is grateful for the opportunity. He found out about New Missions after visiting the school’s facilities and participating last year in the New Missions summer camp. […]

Senior Snapshots
/ Life Change

Senior Snapshots

Andre Luxon Michel started attending New Missions schools when he was four years old. As he reflects back, he thanks God and his sponsors, the Jernigan family, from Texas, for helping him get to this point. They have sponsored him since he was six years old! […]

Sponsorship Changes Lives
/ Life Change

Sponsorship Changes Lives

There are many single moms in Haiti. Women are often left alone with their children due to desertion or the death of the father, and are destined to eke out a living for their families. […]

Please Don’t Forget Me, Don’t Forget Haiti…..
/ Life Change

Please Don’t Forget Me, Don’t Forget Haiti…..

I met Pastor Millot Francois after the Haiti earthquake in 2010. Our group was waiting to be rescued and we were doing all we could to help those around us in need. The day after the earthquake, Pastor Millot Francois walked close to 10 miles to see if everyone at the mission was okay.

He's Here!
/ Life Change

He's Here!

When we found out we were expecting our beautiful baby boy, we never imagined that his birth would coincide with a pandemic! As the due date drew closer and our lives changed dramatically due to COVID-19, we did begin to worry about the plans we had made for his delivery here in the Dominican Republic. […]

Feeding Families During Uncertainty
/ Life Change

Feeding Families During Uncertainty

During this challenging season, we are sending students home with food for their families. We want you to know we are staying steadfast in our mission to serve children and families in Haiti and the Dominican Republic through our 35 churches and schools.

Church During Covid-19
/ Life Change

Church During Covid-19

Attending church is very important to Haitian believers. Most Haitians have none or very limited electricity and few options for being fed spiritually via TV, internet, and radio. […]

Struggles Gone
/ Life Change

Struggles Gone

In the midst of the struggles that Haiti has been experiencing, there was rejoicing this March as 22 people publicly expressed commitment to Jesus through water baptism. This year’s baptism festival welcomed 21 of our New Missions churches to celebrate together at the Concrab campus. […]

Together, Feeding Families
/ Life Change

Together, Feeding Families

During this season of COVID-19, New Missions has made it a priority to send food home with children in Haiti to feed their families. In addition, the Dominican Republic is addressing food for families with the greatest needs.