He's Here!
// Heather Williams Katz
When we found out we were expecting our beautiful baby boy, we never imagined that his birth would coincide with a pandemic!
As the due date drew closer and our lives changed dramatically due to COVID-19, we did begin to worry about the plans we had made for his delivery here in the Dominican Republic. However, God was in control every step of the way and that gave us peace. I am reminded of John 14:27, which says “Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”
We thank the Lord for Maxwell's safe arrival and for His protection from the coronavirus while in the hospital.
Happy to be home with the whole family: Arismendy, Bentley the dog, Yensi, Heather and baby Maxwell.
Maxwell Ari Katz was born April 3, which was about two weeks before his due date. I believe he arrived early because God was protecting us from being exposed to the Coronavirus while in the hospital and before the number of cases in the region rose dramatically. We are so thankful for his safe arrival and that he is healthy. Remember that no matter what happens in this world, God is in control and He will always take care of us. ~Heather Williams Katz