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Student Scholarships

Let’s scholarship students!

Scholarship Students

Meet the children of hope: children under five at New Missions in Haiti. When we see them, we see greatness. God’s potential for their lives is bigger than the poverty they were born into. Without New Missions ministering to these children, half of them will not survive to see their fifth birthday. You can make a real difference by donating now to our scholarship fund.


Change the life of a child.

When you scholarship a student at New Missions, you help provide education, essential food, and vital medical care—helping these children grow healthier and to beat the odds of illiteracy and malnutrition in their third world nation.


Help children under five!

Our goal is to send more students to school. Plus, we are able to serve younger children under five. Why? Because the age of five is the survival watermark for a child living in the third world. We meet the needs of food, medical care, and education to help children under five gain a jump-start on beating the odds of infant mortality. All our elementary schools have preschool programs caring for children under five.  Thanks to our teachers and nurses lives are being changed forever.