Who But Knows?
// Rachel DeTellis
Jessica’s mom used to sell vegetables in the Mare-Chal area.
When her mother saw an opportunity for Jessica to enroll in the New Missions school there, she sent her to live with an aunt in that area. After completing elementary school, Jessica began attending our high school in Signeau, and her family moved her again because they couldn’t afford the transportation cost each day. She was an excellent student and dreamt of becoming a kindergarten teacher or a pediatrician because she enjoyed working with children.
Jessica Furcy, a 2018 graduate, was sponsored by Maria Lima from first grade through graduation. Thank you, Maria! Jessica enjoying some time with the students.
She is now the PK1 (three-year-old) teacher at our Signeau campus, and is working to complete her full certification. Jessica was baptized in December 2018 and attends the Signeau church. She helps out with the youth ministry and often leads evening services held right at her home. Her parents had seven children before they had her, all of whom died. God spared Jessica and we believe He has a good plan for her. From the child of humble beginnings to now a teacher—who knows where God will take Jessica and how He will use this young intelligent woman. ~Rachel DeTellis