Equipped to Serve Better
// Rachel DeTellis
On October 25, 2020, our Bible college, The Royal Caribbean Institute, had its graduation several months late because of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Of the 13 graduates, two are former New Missions students—Shequer Marc and Jackson Saint Lot.
Jackson Saint Lot and Sheguer Marc both grew up attending New Missions and now graduated from our Bible college together.
Shequer started school at our Brache Millot campus in second grade and graduated in 2016. His life was transformed when a friend invited him to a revival meeting. He believes God has called him to full-time ministry. He has been working with the high school students through the prayer group that meets at the school. About three years ago, he began pioneering a church that has approximately 55 people attending. His vision is to continue to grow and develop the church.
Sheguer Marc (shown with wife, Nagela) pastors a church in Croix des Peres, Haiti. His Bible college scholarship was provided by Jim and Kathy Law.
Jackson says the biggest miracle he has seen in his own life is when God spared him after accidentally ingesting poison. He knows his purpose in life is to make Jesus known. He entered our Signeau school at the age of three, and graduated high school in 2011. Since then, he has been working as a mason. He is involved in evangelism and teaching the Bible to illiterate Haitians from the mountain regions. He enjoys assisting in his church.
Congratulations to the class of 2020 and each graduate from our Bible college, the Royal Caribbean Institute. Our Bible college graduation was celebrated at our Signeau campus on October 25, 2020.
This Christmas season, we rejoice with these graduates who are now better equipped to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, and to serve God in their own unique ways. ~Rachel DeTellis