Church During Covid-19
// Rachel DeTellis
Attending church is very important to Haitian believers. Most Haitians have none or very limited electricity and few options for being fed spiritually via TV, internet, and radio.
Going to church is often the only “thing on the calendar” for the week. So they are feeling the loss of this vital part of their lives intensely. They, like us, are asking, “When can we all go back to church together?”
Families gather in their front yards to have church together in Neply, Haiti, as the Gospel is heard loud and clear. As the church is scattered, we are still gathering faithfully at homes and communities across Haiti.
In the meantime, our New Missions churches are following the government regulations to not come together in large groups. Each church has chosen their own solution to this requirement. Some have decided to continue using the church building, drastically limiting numbers and regulating spacing.Others have chosen to worship in homes. Haiti’s good weather facilitates meeting outside in the yard. In many ways, the churches were well prepared to switch to small group gatherings—as the pastors tend to share preaching and worship responsibilities. Others are already trained and prepared to step up and serve in these small groups. Jesus assures us that even in tiny gatherings, HE IS WITH US when we gather in His name. ~Rachel DeTellis