Stepping up
/ Life Change

Stepping up

Affording elementary and high school, let alone any post-secondary education, is difficult for most Haitians. For the six students (two just graduated) being sponsored to attend nursing/lab school this year, it’s like a dream come true.

Finishing Well
/ Life Change

Finishing Well

Because finishing well is so important, our high school closes each school year with a service of worship and thanksgiving. This year, we had 500 students gather for the program. […]

Students in Ministry
/ Life Change

Students in Ministry

There’s a common thread that goes through the stories of students I’ve interviewed; they attend church. Our school directors (pastors) encourage their students to attend church. God is using this to raise up new workers in ministry. […]

Help for Pregnant Women
/ Life Change

Help for Pregnant Women

For most women, having a baby is a very special experience. However, for many women here in the Dominican Republic it can be deadly. A few years ago, we hosted a special baby shower for around 20 pregnant women in the community. […]

Strengthening Marriages
/ Life Change

Strengthening Marriages

The pandemic has stressed families and relationships all over the world, and the DR is no exception. Our health center director, Llennifer Santos Morrobel, was burdened by the number of couples and families whose relationships have been strained during the past year and wanted to do something about the situation. […]

Baptism in Concrab
/ Life Change

Baptism in Concrab

It is wonderful seeing new Christians being faithful to our Lord and Savior by following through with believer’s baptism. We had a beautiful water baptism festival with all of our churches in the month of April at our church in Concrab. […]

A Class to Remember 
/ Life Change

A Class to Remember 

Although classes started and will finish virtually this year, the class of 2021 wanted to experience as many of the traditions as possible. During the first week of class, they contacted the school director, Keyla Mercado, to ask about having a lanzamiento celebration. […]

New Missions High School
/ Life Change

New Missions High School

A few days ago, I interviewed one of our high school students, Jean Kendy Lambert. Before me was a young man—intelligent, respectful, and with the light of Jesus in his eyes! I felt blessed to be talking with him, and realized that each student like him is a fulfillment of our vision for the high school. […]

Orphaned But Not Alone
/ Life Change

Orphaned But Not Alone

Who doesn’t love a story with a happy ending? Meet my 16-year-old friend, George Jean (who has been sponsored by Jeffrey and Amy Vardis since 2014). George lived in a predominantly poor Haitian community, Redemption Village. Work, money, and food were always scarce. […]

Let the Children Come
/ Life Change

Let the Children Come

In Matthew 19, when children started to run to Jesus, the disciples stopped them. When Jesus saw this, He rebuked His disciples and told them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” […]

We Love Pastors
/ Life ChangeMission Progress

We Love Pastors

Looking closely at our mission, you will find a group of pastors scattered across 35 campuses in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Pastor Guy Fontaine oversees our pastors in Haiti and has worked with us since 1984. […]

Pressing On! 
/ Life Change

Pressing On! 

In January, the leadership in the DR decided to start a youth Bible class for the teenagers from our churches and communities. We started the classes to give our youth an opportunity to connect with other Christian youth and to teach Biblical principles that will help them grow in their faith. […]

A Generous Life
/ Life Change

A Generous Life

In Haiti, it is with great joy that we celebrate Pastor Mario’s 20th anniversary at our Signeau campus, and Pastor Yaguel’s 10th anniversary at our Neply/Bord-Mer campus! […]

Shoeboxes in the Classroom
/ Life ChangeCampaigns

Shoeboxes in the Classroom

“If only my sponsor could see me now…I’m giving out shoebox gifts to the kids in my classroom!” That’s exactly what Nadege Leriche, a graduate from the class of 2006, was thinking. She reflects upon being sponsored as a child herself. Now, she is the gift giver!

A Shining Example
/ Life Change

A Shining Example

Esdras Jules’ success can be attributed to some key things. He grew up with a godly mother and then decided to follow Christ himself. He was blessed with a good mind to excel in school and has always been a hard worker. Although he had these advantages, he also had many challenges. […]

Saved by God
/ Life Change

Saved by God

John Bosio Castillo started coming to Colegio Nueva Vida in seventh grade. When he was 16 years old he accepted Christ one day in his church. A year later, he was riding on the back of a motorbike and was hit by an SUV. […]

Raising New Generations for the Lord
/ Life Change

Raising New Generations for the Lord

Junior and Alourd began attending the Vieux-Court church in 2015 as unbelievers. After hearing the Gospel they decided to become followers of Jesus, and at a later date they were baptized. […]

Family on Mission
/ Life Change

Family on Mission

If you’ve gone on a mission trip in recent years, you’ve probably met Jean Marc Fontaine. You can’t miss his big smile and warm personality. His passion for his faith, his family, and his country is contagious. He attended New Missions schools and now works full-time for our ministry in Haiti. And if you had been on a mission trip in the early days, you were probably picked up at the airport by Jean Marc’s father, Pastor Guy Fontaine. […]

Milestones in Education
/ Life Change

Milestones in Education

There are three important milestones for students in Haitian schools that we like to celebrate each year: kindergarten, sixth, and grade 13. Completion of these grade levels says something very important in an impoverished nation. […]

Time to Shine
/ Life Change

Time to Shine

The Leaders for Christ group began close to three years ago in our high school at Colegio Nueva Vida. When classes moved online last March, we were no longer able to meet in person. […]