A Generous Life
// Hannah Williams
In Haiti, it is with great joy that we celebrate Pastor Mario’s 20th anniversary at our Signeau campus, and Pastor Yaguel’s 10th anniversary at our Neply/Bord-Mer campus!
When they were students themselves, Pastor Mario and Pastor Yaguel learned of the hope and grace of Christ; that His was a life poured out for others. Sacrificial generosity was the overflow of His heart. He’d given His life for them! Following His example, our pastors prepare their hearts to respond with a “Yes!” to their calling, as they meet the needs each day brings. Their lives reflect the generosity of Christ that fills their hearts.
Pastor Mario Bijou started school at New Missions in 1984. This year he celebrates 20 years as pastor of our Signeau church.
We celebrate the commitment and faithfulness of these graduates, now pastors of New Missions, who responded to the call of ministry and have poured their lives into our students and families. This year, as we help build new classrooms on their campuses, I hope you’ll join us in this effort.
I’m so grateful for the example of Christ’s love and goodness, and pray that as our hearts are pursuing Him...believing in hope, accepting of grace, and joyful in faith... that we are overflowing with generosity. Generosity changes everything! ~Hannah Williams