Time to Shine
// Heather Williams Katz
The Leaders for Christ group began close to three years ago in our high school at Colegio Nueva Vida.
When classes moved online last March, we were no longer able to meet in person. Thankfully, in November 2020, we were able to start meeting again on campus. We have seen many of the students grow in their relationship with Christ and become Christian leaders in the school. One such student is Laira Padilla Lagombra.
Laira Padilla Lagombra (far right) acting out a Bible story with other Leaders for Christ students. The leadership students are happy to be meeting together again and enjoy the games and discussions we have with them.
Laira started coming to Colegio Nueva Vida when she was thirteen years old and accepted Christ one day at school the following year. She started coming to our church in Los Castillos and joined the Leaders for Christ group. Laira is a sweet, somewhat shy girl, but as she has participated in the leadership group these past three years, her confidence has grown and she has become more outgoing. She is thankful that through her experiences in this group and at church, she now has more confidence to talk to others about God. Laira is a senior this year. We look forward to seeing what God has planned for her and how He will use her to reach others. ~Heather Williams Katz