Let the Children Come
// Heather Williams Katz
In Matthew 19, when children started to run to Jesus, the disciples stopped them.
When Jesus saw this, He rebuked His disciples and told them, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” At our churches here in the Dominican Republic, children are an important part of our services. From an early age, kids begin actively participating in leading worship songs and playing various musical instruments.
Clivens Codio preaching at our church in Playa Laguna. He wants to be a pastor when he grows up.
As children grow into teenagers, we begin to give them more responsibility in church and help them develop leadership skills. For the teens who express an interest in preaching, our pastors and adult spiritual leaders work with them to develop messages. On a recent Sunday, two of our youth, George Jean (16) and Clivens Codio (17), preached at our church services in Los Castillos and Playa Laguna. As our vision states, we are working to raise a generation of Christian leaders who impact their communities and become role models for generations to come. We rejoice as we see our children and youth growing in the Lord! ~Heather Williams Katz