It’s that time of year again! Christmas is right around the corner. Over the summer, our staff worked hard to prepare for volunteers to come to our office to pack our prepacked shoeboxes. […]
If you were asked to build the strongest building possible, how would you start the endeavor? Looking at other buildings similar to what you hope to build would be wise. […]
When I see the faces of Eveline Michel and Lena Lociel, our two school kitchen cooks in the village of Masson, I see a halo of an anointing on them. They partner with God and New Missions to make a miracle happen by feeding a multitude every day. […]
At our health center in the Dominican Republic, we treat people from all age groups—many of whom are vulnerable patients such as the elderly, pregnant women, new moms, and children. […]
Jessica’s mom used to sell vegetables in the Mare-Chal area. When her mother saw an opportunity for Jessica to enroll in the New Missions school there, she sent her to live with an aunt in that area. […]
Medical care has always been an important part of what New Missions provides in the communities we serve—because it is a vessel for sharing the Gospel. In the beginning, the clinic was a table under coconut trees. […]
The words to an old song say: “Give of your best to the Master, give Him first place in your heart; Give Him first place in your service; Consecrate every part!” What’s your best? […]
The security of the Gospel is the greatest message we can share. Jesus is still the answer for our world today. Currently, New Missions is building a new church in Flon, Haiti, and the progress has been impressive over the past several months. […]
Discover the power of volunteerism as you and others serve together. […]
David Dean has been doing family-friendly stand-up comedy for over 30 years. He’s traveled extensively making people laugh. But there’s one subject he’s very serious about and it’s no laughing matter. He’s passionate about New Missions and the children in the Dominican Republic.
It’s that time of year again! Christmas is right around the corner. For the past month, our staff has been working hard to prepare for volunteers to come to our office to pack our prepacked shoeboxes […]
As many children head back to school, 10-year-old Junior Isaac can’t wait! He loves to learn and is grateful for the opportunity. He found out about New Missions after visiting the school’s facilities and participating last year in the New Missions summer camp. […]
All summer long, our school directors work tirelessly to plan for the next school year. This year brings more challenges as we adjust our methods of teaching to accommodate the new government requirements because of the coronavirus. […]
Andre Luxon Michel started attending New Missions schools when he was four years old. As he reflects back, he thanks God and his sponsors, the Jernigan family, from Texas, for helping him get to this point. They have sponsored him since he was six years old! […]
Proverbs 22:1 says, “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.” On June 20, 2020, my grandmother, Anna DiPietro, passed away at the age of 99. […]
Christ’s church will never fail. That was Pastor Yaguel Nerat’s message this past Sunday to a huge crowd at his church in Bordmer, Haiti. Old and young alike came. They raised their hands to praise and worship God.
Central Life Church in Brevard County, Florida has been a long time partner with New Missions. When Pastor Ryan Alonso heard about the Virtual Mango Run, he knew it was a perfect fit for his church. “Global missions is always worth it!
There are many single moms in Haiti. Women are often left alone with their children due to desertion or the death of the father, and are destined to eke out a living for their families. […]