Give of Your Best
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
The words to an old song say: “Give of your best to the Master, give Him first place in your heart; Give Him first place in your service; Consecrate every part!” What’s your best?
“When You Give Your Best, Miracles Happen.”
In Haiti, my son Charlie sent Pastor Guy to the city of Port-au-Prince to do an urgent errand for the mission. Pastor Guy was stuck in traffic for hours, and he knew that it would be impossible to get to his destination before the office closed for the day. He left his truck and jumped on a taxi motorcycle and accomplished the errand; well done for the mission. Pastor Guy gave his very best!
Jesus watched over an offering being taken in the temple, and He saw a widow woman put in ‘two mites’ (worth one cent today). It was her very best!
An acquaintance on Facebook told me about a Haitian friend she met five years ago in the Dominican Republic, who was out of work. With the border closed, he was desperately hungry. Our very own Dr. Arismendy went and found the man, ministered to his soul, and gave him groceries. Arismendy did his very best!
In the Old Testament, David began to gather materials to prepare for the construction of the temple for his son, Solomon. Nails of gold were collected, and each nail would have a value of over $25,000 today. David did his very best!
During the pandemic, when I heard from our mission president that all salaries of all workers in Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and the U.S. would be paid in full, and we were going to feed families, I trembled as to how God would provide when people were losing jobs and churches were closed to receive offerings. One morning, at 2:30 a.m., I woke up impressed to write the biggest check I’ve ever written! That morning, I quickly wrote the check and received an immediate flood of peace and presence that passes human understanding.
An American mother wrote me of how they changed what they ate so she could send an offering to feed families. Just be obedient, and don’t try to understand. Do your best everyday—in some way—to someone. Be quiet and listen for His nudge. You’ll feel the miracle of the unending, unlimited love of God come from your innermost being. And as you give, what you receive is not always tangible, but indescribably inexhaustible.
This very hour is the greatest moment to give our very best. Why I love to do my best for the Master is because of the secure investment of serving Him. Perhaps you’ve seen many people die. The stuff they treasured and spent their lifetime serving was left behind. Giving the best of my time, talents, and treasures to my Master, I send them to my eternal address. My gifts are dividend-raising investments of gain for the Kingdom here, and the final eternal Kingdom there. Giving your best is gifting yourself.
I am blessed and excited to see God’s people giving their best, rather than living in insecurity or selfishness. We know the present is dark and gloomy in the natural. But we believe that as we give our best, our Master is sovereign to supernaturally give us a new day. I love giving my best. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon