Third World Impact Day
/ Campaigns

Third World Impact Day

Here at New Missions, we are seeing how sponsorship changes the lives of children as we give them the gift of education—enabling them to escape poverty both physically and spiritually. [...]

Church Together
/ Campaigns

Church Together

During our early years in Haiti I was involved with hosting outdoor evangelistic services in villages where we had not yet planted a church. God used the music to draw the villagers from their huts to come listen and learn. The Gospel changed their lives forever. [...]

Your Generosity
/ Campaigns

Your Generosity

We rejoice in God’s love in you to generously bless our children with Christmas shoeboxes. Your personal love to pack a shoebox for your sponsored child touches the heart of your child and their entire family. [...]

Better Together
/ Campaigns

Better Together

Alone is not always a nice word. Alone I can feel weak or I may fall. Coming to Jesus gives me strength to stand strong. [...]

Eat More At School
/ Campaigns

Eat More At School

Asking a graduate of New Missions what it was like when they attended one of our schools led to a telling response. “I ate all I wanted,” was what he remembered. I hung up in tears. [...]

Shoebox Gifts Needed
/ Campaigns

Shoebox Gifts Needed

In the wake of Hurricane Matthew, the shoebox gifts will bless children and their families more than ever. We will distribute as many shoeboxes as we receive. They will be given through our churches, schools, and New Missions network churches across Haiti. [...]

Bigger Than A Shoebox
/ Campaigns

Bigger Than A Shoebox

One of my fondest memories of delivering shoebox gifts to children in Haiti is when I was walking up the Tom Gateau mountain road. [...]

Give Away Your Birthday
/ Campaigns

Give Away Your Birthday

Would you prayerfully consider “giving away” your birthday—so a child can celebrate their fifth birthday? Here’s why: In the Third World, child survival is a daily battle. For children under five, their lives are at risk due to malnourishment and threat of disease. [...]

Shoeboxes for Haiti
/ Campaigns

Shoeboxes for Haiti

Some of us like shopping, and some of us don’t. However, shopping for your Christmas shoebox is not your typical shopping. You just need to envision the smiles, giggles, and excitement of a child in Haiti to motivate you as you shop. [...]

More Fifth Birthdays
/ Campaigns

More Fifth Birthdays

From singing songs and blowing their noisemakers as loudly as they can, to enjoying some birthday cake, these children from Concrab, Haiti, had a day in school they will never forget. Here at New Missions, we are celebrating more fifth birthdays. [...]

Give Sneakers
/ Campaigns

Give Sneakers

On your mark…get set…GO! We are collecting new pairs of sneakers for our students through June 30, 2016. There’s plenty of time for you, your school, or church to host a sneaker collection. [...]

Feet of Joy
/ Campaigns

Feet of Joy

For those of us who have visited Haiti, our eyes have quickly observed that most of the children are walking, working or playing barefooted. To get to school, many children find it necessary to walk a long distance. They, too, are walking in their bare feet. [...]