Bigger Than A Shoebox
// Tim DeTellis
One of my fondest memories of delivering shoebox gifts to children in Haiti is when I was walking up the Tom Gateau mountain road.
Rain had left the road too muddy to pass by way of truck. Pastor Johnny Hunt’s wife, Janet, was walking next to me and the mud was so thick her flip flops were getting stuck in the mud. We were carrying cases of shoeboxes, and students were helping by placing the cases on their heads as we made our way higher up this steep mountain road.
Janet Hunt and her sponsored child Rose embrace with joy as they are reunited at our school in Tom Gateau.
We crowded inside the church, and before the shoebox gifts were given, the children began to sing. Their voices were loud and beautiful as they proclaimed, “How great Thou art, how great Thou art.” I began to cry as the good news was being shouted from the mouths of children. Bible verses were quoted from memory and Pastor Joseph Etiene led the students in a time of prayer. Seven prayed to receive Jesus as their personal Savior.
Katie gave gifts to the children knowing each shoebox would bring smiles and hope to a child and their family.
Though gifts are precious, bigger than a shoebox is the gift of knowing Jesus. With all we do: educating, medical care, food, and giving away shoeboxes, we proclaim the Gospel. Why? Because, only God changes lives forever.
"We love because He first loved us." (1 John 4:19) Thank you for packing shoeboxes for children in Haiti.
Thank you for your generosity in collecting shoebox gifts. ~Tim DeTellis