Dominican Republic Retreat
/ Ministry Highlights

Dominican Republic Retreat

Our church and school leaders are very important to us. We were extremely blessed to be able to host a one-day retreat for them. [...]

Preaching the Gospel
/ Ministry Highlights

Preaching the Gospel

Together, we are preaching the Gospel, because only God changes lives forever. Thank you for your prayers on behalf of our pastors serving in our churches, and throughout Haiti in our network churches. [...]

Revival Service
/ Ministry Highlights

Revival Service

The Gospel message is being spread through our churches in Haiti. Our church in Signeau, located on the Leogane Plain, hosted two nights of revival meetings with special guest speakers. [...]

Food Delivery
/ Ministry Highlights

Food Delivery

Feeding our school children in Haiti is vital, as we help them grow healthy and strong. The consistency of preparing lunch requires a tremendous amount of logistics. [...]

Child Advocates
/ Ministry Highlights

Child Advocates

Your help is greatly needed! When it comes to helping the children of New Missions, you and your advocacy play a vital role. [...]

Feeding Children
/ Ministry Highlights

Feeding Children

Did you know we prepare over 2 million meals each year? Feeding children at school in Haiti takes a tremendous amount of logistics, staffing, and tons of food. [...]

Top of the Class
/ Ministry Highlights

Top of the Class

Standing tall and proud, students representing the top of each class from our Bord-Mer Elementary School received gifts of appreciation in honor of their accomplishments. [...]

Thank You
/ Ministry Highlights

Thank You

A huge thank you for making our 2015 Christmas Shoebox Drive a huge success. With just under 15,000 shoeboxes collected, each of our students in Haiti received a shoebox. [...]

Faithful Prayer Warriors
/ Ministry Highlights

Faithful Prayer Warriors

The prayer group in Playa Chiquita meets every Tuesday morning. It was started by Pastor George DeTellis and has continued under the direction of one of the church founders and leaders, Juanito Polanco. [...]

March Ministry Highlights
/ Ministry Highlights

March Ministry Highlights

Each month we feature the most recent updates from the field in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It is our prayer that you’ll be encouraged and see how the Lord is working through our mission.

Come to New Missions
/ Ministry Highlights

Come to New Missions

When it comes to mission trips, it’s our goal to make disciples.  [...]

Cargo Containers
/ Ministry Highlights

Cargo Containers

Our goal during our 2015 Christmas Shoebox Drive was for each student to receive a shoebox gift, then the additional shoeboxes will be distributed through our Haitian churches for outreach ministry. [...]

Revival Meetings
/ Ministry Highlights

Revival Meetings

Proclaiming the good news of Jesus across Haiti takes many forms. [...]

More Fifth Birthdays
/ Ministry Highlights

More Fifth Birthdays

During 2016, we are thankful to report that 711 of our students will celebrate their 5th birthdays! [...]

Church Dedication
/ Ministry Highlights

Church Dedication

Five years ago we grew beyond Leogane to the mountain region of Tom Gateau. This year, we built our third church up in the mountains. [...]

Accepting Jesus
/ Ministry Highlights

Accepting Jesus

More than anything else, what is the hope and prayer you have for your own child? For us, it is for each child of New Missions to find a personal relationship with Jesus. [...]

Chapel Worship
/ Ministry Highlights

Chapel Worship

Singing and music is a wonderful part of the chapel services led by our high school students. Scripture tells us to serve the Lord with gladness! [...]

DR Youth Conference
/ Ministry Highlights

DR Youth Conference

The youth at our church in Playa Chiquita worked under the direction and vision of the youth director, Jan Carlos Silverio, to organize a one-day retreat titled, Impact. [...]

Redemption Village
/ Ministry Highlights

Redemption Village

Our preschool students at Redemption Village, in the Dominican Republic, are currently learning their colors and numbers. [...]

Thankful Students
/ Ministry Highlights

Thankful Students

Because you show love to our students through your prayers and support, they are growing up with thankful hearts. [...]