Inside the Classroom

Students at our Leogane-Guilaume Elementary School listen attentively during their math lesson. We thank God for our teachers who serve children each day. Our teachers are Christians and lead our students in Bible class and times of prayer each day. Weekly, each of our schools host chapel services. Education leads to empowerment for local employment. Most importantly, when Jesus is at the center of the life of a child, they are truly becoming a Christian leader—ready to make their country better.

Dominican Independence Day

Independence Day is celebrated on February 27th in the Dominican Republic. After years of being under Spanish, French and Haitian rule, the DR declared its independence from Haiti in 1844. Juan Pablo Duarte led their fight for freedom from oppression. At our schools in the Dominican Republic, our students spend the entire month of February practicing for a special celebration on Independence Day. The Dominican flag carries the words “God, Fatherland and Liberty.” We are teaching our school children to respect their country, culture and most importantly, God.

Cargo Containers

Thanks to your generosity, each and every one of our students in Haiti will receive a shoebox gift. Our third cargo container is on its way to Haiti. We have already shipped 13,909 shoeboxes for distribution to our students through our schools. Any additional shoeboxes we receive, beyond what is needed for our schools, are given to our churches for use during their mission trips around Haiti. Together, we are giving generously, because we steward what’s not ours. Please save the date: October 1 - December 31, 2016, for our shoebox drive this year.

Pastor Training

At New Missions, one of our core values is preaching the Gospel, because only God changes lives forever. Currently, New Missions has 28 churches established in Haiti. We are training, encouraging, and providing resources to an additional 40 New Missions network churches. Recently, Pastor Tim Anderson from Clements Baptist Church in Athens, Alabama, welcomed 115 pastors and their wives for two days of training. Please remember our pastors and their families in your prayers.

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