Complete Deliverance
/ Devotions

Complete Deliverance

All of us need a complete deliverance in our lives from anything holding us down. I believe some Christians are content with a partial deliverance. They are not fully walking in victory. [...]

Loving the Unlovable
/ Devotions

Loving the Unlovable

There is an old fashioned lumber company in my neighborhood where we buy a lot of materials. After you place your order inside with a clerk, you drive out back to a yard filled with sheds and racks where they store all the building materials. [...]

A Healthy Heart
/ Devotions

A Healthy Heart

Do you wake up in the morning giggling? Do you wake up with your heart full of love for God and others? [...]

Be The Encourager
/ Devotions

Be The Encourager

Can you remember a moment when someone said something or did something that encouraged you greatly? What about the opposite? Have you ever been discouraged by someone? We all have. It is sad how we can easily remember the times we were put down versus when we were lifted up. [...]

Greatness and the Call to Servant Leadership
/ Devotions

Greatness and the Call to Servant Leadership

One summer, while working at a Christian camp, we stood around the campfire with the sun setting and the cool breezes from the north enveloping us. After sharing the vision to our new team, my wife passed out short pencils and index cards. [...]

Thankfulness and Prayer
/ Devotions

Thankfulness and Prayer

We naturally think about our blessings during the Thanksgiving holiday season. This year, I will be in New England with my family. I enjoy sitting at our dining room table with a nice roasted turkey—and all of the trimmings—looking at the faces of my family. [...]

Neighbors Loving Neighbors
/ Devotions

Neighbors Loving Neighbors

With my carry-on luggage on the floor, I began to pack for a trip that was looking like it was going to be canceled. When Friday arrived, the decision was made not to go. Hurricane Harvey was off the coast of Texas and my weekend plans to be in Houston were cancelled. [...]

Steeple to Steeple
/ Devotions

Steeple to Steeple

A steeple is something that began to be built on churches as early as the empire of Constantine in the 300s after Christ. Steeples were built as high as possible—typically with a cross on top—making it higher than any other building in town. [...]

The Blessing
/ Devotions

The Blessing

The most famous wrestling match in the history of the world was between Jacob and “the angel of the Lord,” as told in the book of Genesis.  [...]

Liberty Now and Forever
/ Devotions

Liberty Now and Forever

This year, I will be in the States for our July 4th Independence Day celebration. I would like to visit the ocean and see my children. We enjoy our liberty and blessings in America. [...]

Being A Dad
/ Devotions

Being A Dad

Time is not a replaceable commodity. You can go earn more money, but you cannot go earn more time. Love is best spelled: t-i-m-e. [...]

Defining a Mother's Love
/ Devotions

Defining a Mother's Love

Love is a decision, an emotion and often a feeling not possible to define. [...]

God Will Make A Way
/ Devotions

God Will Make A Way

In Acts 12, Peter has been put in prison by King Herod. The night before Peter is to go to trial the Christians were praying at Mary̓s house—the mother of John. They were having an all night prayer meeting. [...]

The Calling of God
/ Devotions

The Calling of God

Serving God has always meant a lot to me. At the age of nineteen, I felt called to go to Haiti to start a brand new mission with my parents. [...]

Loving God Isn't Enough
/ Devotions

Loving God Isn't Enough

God wants us to love Him, but why? And is that enough? I don’t think so. The second greatest commandment comes from Mark 12:31. But, first in verse 30, we are instructed to love God but then what? [...]

My Calendar
/ Devotions

My Calendar

I’ve often had a calendar from the dollar store, or even free ones. But for the past three years, I have indulged in a Barnes and Noble calendar book; 2014 was hot pink, 2015 was pale aqua, and 2016 is coral. [...]

If That Same Spirit!
/ Devotions

If That Same Spirit!

On Thursday, September 8, 2016, at 10:09 a.m., I sent a text message to my wife, “Help!” I was having a heart attack! [...]

Trusting God in the Storm
/ Devotions

Trusting God in the Storm

There is a time to go through a storm and a time to run from a storm. We need to always evaluate the threat to our lives and move forward in wisdom and prayer. [...]

A Touch that Reaches God
/ Devotions

A Touch that Reaches God

There is a story in the New Testament of a woman with a dreadful disease who had suffered for 12 years—spending all she had on the medical services of her day. Then, she heard that Jesus was coming to town. She had an idea. [...]

Pray Like Jesus
/ Devotions

Pray Like Jesus

As a child, I remember seeing my mother slip into her prayer closet down the hall of the church where we lived—135 Belmont Street in Worcester, Massachusetts. [...]