A Touch that Reaches God
// Jeanne DeTellis
There is a story in the New Testament of a woman with a dreadful disease who had suffered for 12 years—spending all she had on the medical services of her day. Then, she heard that Jesus was coming to town. She had an idea.
“Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”
I’m going to touch Him. Matthew 9:21 (AMP) says, “For she kept saying to herself, If I only touch His garment, I shall be restored to health.” Certainly she believed that if she could touch Him, there would be a change in her condition; a miracle victory…healing. She knew that her healing was in touching Christ, and pressing through the multitude...nothing was going to stop her. To touch Him was the necessary contact for the connection of the physical with the supernatural—for a miracle to be performed. Imagine if she only reached so far, but never touched Him. This woman kept persuading herself, talking to herself, “If only I touch, if only I touch, if only I touch.”
This reminds me of Michelangelo’s famous work of art in the Sistine Chapel. Although this fresco portrays Adam’s creation, when I think of it and the fingers are not touching, it saddens me deeply. Imagine people over the centuries trying to touch God, but not touching Him. What hopelessness. What disappointment.
I can remember when my late husband Dennis traveled to the Dominican Republic to meet me. He reached out to me to kiss me, and his lips met mine. I can’t imagine stopping before our lips met. There was a touch, and we were never the same.
God did not sacrifice His Son for you to be frustrated with no connection to a supernatural presence in your life. Jesus is waiting for you to reach out to Him, and He will touch you. When Jesus comes into your life, all is changed. When you are in pain, lonely or confused, just keep calling His name, and with full assurance, you will find Jesus coming close to you in His powerful presence of peace.
When I am at the mission and my sponsored children come to meet me, they don’t stop and leave space between us. No! They run into my arms and we hug. When we love one another, we love God, and our love touches His heart. Something beautiful happens when you touch.
I’m not looking for a piece of art, but if I were I would want an artist to draw a picture of my finger touching the finger of God. Then, with that touch, with that connection, I can breathe deeply, with rest and assurance that all is well with my soul.
The Bible says in James 4:8, “Come close to God (with a contrite, broken heart) and God will come close to you.” The responsibility and the action to come close to God is for you to respond. Do something. Go to church. Get on your knees. Read the Bible. Talk to God. Get alone. Go to the mountains or the ocean. Come close to God, with all that is in your heart, and He will come close to you. You’ll touch! ~Jeanne DeTellis