Trusting God in the Storm
// Charlie DeTellis
There is a time to go through a storm and a time to run from a storm. We need to always evaluate the threat to our lives and move forward in wisdom and prayer.
“Cling to Jesus. He is the Savior of your soul.”
My father told me, “Put into your head, the Leogane Plain could be flooded with 10 feet of water.” He was a preacher and he often told me something more than once. He added, “This is the reason why the Leogane Plain is flat.” Our main mission campus is located on the ocean—at the point of the Leogane Plain—overlooking the beautiful and large bay of La Gonave. The Grand River, also called the River Momance, is one mile to our east. Dad also told me to evacuate and head to higher ground when threatened by large storms. He said, “If you wait until it starts raining hard, you may not be able to get out.” Our high school site is up a three mile gravel road along the highway. Its location is 80 feet higher than our mission along the ocean. We have used it as a refuge multiple times when in danger of flooding. I don’t like to evacuate, but do it when necessary.
The mountains of Haiti tend to break up the wind from hurricanes. However, heavy rains then bring about flash flooding. During Hurricane Matthew, we kept watching the riverbank being eroded away by swiftly moving water. Over one mile of the main road has been eroded right next to the river. The riverbank is now extremely fragile. There is only a few feet of riverbank left before the river will breach the bank and flow directly into our mission. If this storm was larger or closer, it would have breached the bank. I believe it is only by the mercy of God that the river did not breach the bank during this storm. We thank you for your prayers. We had very heavy rain for over two days. Some trees came down and electric lines were damaged. Roof repairs will be needed at two of our mountain locations—due to some of the roofing being blown off. Two other campuses also need some repairs.
Matthew 5:45 states, “…He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust.” God blesses His people in a special way. But, some of the blessings of God fall on all. In the same way, we are all subject to trials. We are not exempt from the storm just because we are God’s children. However, thanks be to God, we have the beautiful promise of Romans 8:28, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Whatever storm, trial, test or hardship we go through, God is redeeming it and working it for our good and His glory. As believers in Jesus, it is important to be positive in life and not negative. We need to always look on the bright side—claiming the promises of God. Armed with the Word of God, the Holy Spirit empowers each of us to weather each storm, no matter if it is Hurricane Matthew or something else. We then can move on to serve Him with renewed faith. In physical storms we may sometimes need to evacuate or run from them. In the trials of life we are called to stand our ground in God’s power. We cannot be weak. God is our helper. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) Count your them one by one. ~Charlie DeTellis