High School Students
// Tim DeTellis
Recently, I was having lunch with a senior pastor who was formerly the student pastor.
Chris Hart from Christian Hill Community Church in Warwick, Rhode Island, said to me, “Students are not the future, they are the now.” We were discussing how young people are typically looked at as the “future” leaders when we really need them now.
As cousins, 20-year-old Kensy (left) and 18-year-old Richekenlor are now leaders in Haiti.
Serving in his church in Lassale, Haiti, Richekenlor Delma plays bass guitar on the worship team.
New Missions currently has 554 students in high school which represents grades 10 through 13. This year, we have two students who are cousins and already leading in their local church in Lassale, Haiti. Both are musicians and lead worship; they also enjoy preaching. Kensy Delma is 20 years old and a senior at our high school. Richekenlor Delma is 18 years old and in 10th grade. They both accepted Jesus on Nov. 3, 2017 and were then baptized. Unfortunately, Kensy’s father died, but we rejoice in knowing his mother is a Christian. Please pray for Richekenlor’s dad who has chosen not to be a Christian, though his mother knows the Lord.
Kensy Delma is a senior at our high school. He plans to attend our Bible College.
I asked Kensy and Richekenlor if they would like to attend our Bible College after they graduate and both said, “Yes.” Prayerfully consider sponsoring one of our high school students. Visit newmissions.org/sponsor and meet some of our harder to sponsor teenagers. We know they are the future now. ~Tim DeTellis