Going on a mission trip is a wonderful opportunity to help others and can be a life-changing experience for anyone—especially teenagers.

Just as we host mission teams from the U.S., we also take our Dominican youth on mission trips within the country to give them the chance to serve in another location. This past December, we took 16 of our youth to San Cristóbal, a city near the capital of Santo Domingo. While there, we worked primarily with a Haitian church, organizing events for children and youth and leading a Sunday church service.

The youth led a church service on Sunday morning. Shown here, the girls are leading the praise and worship time.

The trip was a huge success. The youth worked hard, supported one another, and made a positive impact wherever they were needed. It was particularly inspiring to see several teens who had recently accepted Christ actively participating. Our youth groups are thriving, and their leaders are doing an incredible job discipling them. Please continue to pray for the youth in the Dominican Republic—that more will come to know Christ, grow in their faith, and be emboldened to share their faith with others. ~Heather Williams Katz

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