In 1983 when New Missions began, the students who enrolled in our schools had parents who never went to school. 

Imagine going to school to learn to read and write while at home your mother or father are illiterate. Our students were the pioneers to shape the next generation with the gift of education and the power of the Gospel. Below are details of two teachers being mentored by former graduates of New Missions.

Jean Murat Nelson graduated from New Missions in 2005 and is now a second-grade school teacher in Lassale.

“Have love for God and have love for your work,” was the advice Pastor Rigal gave Jean Murat Nelson, a young man he is mentoring. Murat is a graduate from the 2005 class of New Missions and was baptized at our Lassale church. Today, Murat is the second-grade teacher at the Lassale school where Pastor Rigal is the school director. Having Pastor Rigal come alongside Murat gives encouragement and instruction for his role at the school.

Pastor Michel Souverain mentors Jude Jules from our Vieux-Court church and school.

 Jude Jules grew up attending school at New Missions and now teaches our sixth-grade class in Vieux-Court.

Jude Jules teaches sixth grade at our school in Vieux-Court and is mentored by Pastor Michel Souverain. Pastor Michel encourages Jude reminding him that, “God will provide everything you need.” We are thankful this younger generation is rising up with a calling and purpose through ministry. Having graduates return to the school where they grew up is invigorating for the culture and experience of our students. ~Tim DeTellis

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