Over the past nine years that I have been living in the DR and working with New Missions, I have seen God work in incredible ways—especially through our children and youth Bible classes.

Our youth ministry has thrived, particularly as we have given our Christian high school student leaders more responsibility in various areas of ministry. This summer, these students took full charge of planning our mission trip activities: VBS, English classes, and a special youth service. They did an outstanding job leading everything, and we praise the Lord that nine youth/children accepted Christ during this service!

Leaders for Christ students Ashanty Perez, Rosemica Sermonfils, and Mariana Pie with one of the VBS prize winners.

As our Christian students graduate from high school, I am excited about a new group we launched in September called “Crecer” (Grow). This group is for our graduates and young adults, providing a place for them to continue growing in their relationship with Christ while also learning practical skills like budgeting and healthy living. We eagerly look forward to seeing how God will use these young adults to advance His kingdom. ~Heather Williams Katz

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