Sixteen Called to Serve
// Rachel DeTellis
We look forward to seeing what God will do through the 16 Bible college graduates who just finished their two-year program.
One of the graduates, Nerlande Domond, was first in her class and graduated from New Missions in 2008. She started at our Masson campus in preschool. At 12 years of age, she prayed to receive Christ at the same school after hearing Pastor Gay speak about God’s love for us during a revival meeting. Following high school, she continued on for teacher training and has been working as a third-grade teacher.
At graduation, Nerlande was asked to sing a song as well as give a speech.
Nerlande entered Bible college because she felt the call of God on her life to be a messenger of the Good News. Her desire is to minister to many people—seeing them come to know God. Right now, she’s active in her church in Macombre where she leads worship, teaches, and does evangelism in her community. Each graduate has a story and calling, and we pray we’ll see more churches planted, believers strengthened in faith, and many join the Kingdom of God. “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve...” (Mark 10:45) ~Rachel DeTellis