Sharing Jesus With Women
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
More than 40 years ago in Haiti, my heart was stubbornly determined to share Jesus with the Haitian women via a weekly Bible study.
I felt intimidated, insecure, and initially insulted. But, I did my best to share Jesus because I felt if I didn’t—who would? Those early days of social disorder and illiteracy were a challenge. We had no child care, and they had no watches to even show up on time. On one occasion, I was brought a starving baby in a bath towel. I held the baby as I taught, and after class I went with the mother to find a wet nurse. The baby (Jezila) survived and I actually saw her on my last trip to Haiti.
Eventually, I invited other women to start Bible studies in their respective churches. With help from dedicated missionaries, Bible studies began in all of our villages—52 Bible studies in total.
When we went to the Dominican Republic in 2000, I also felt the urgency to share the Gospel. I found a few international English-speaking women who wanted fellowship and we met at a sidewalk café. Some were believers and others were there for friendship. It’s not for us to determine results, but to keep planting, witnessing, and sharing Jesus. Now, Haitian women and Dominican women are leading in these ministries. ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon