Clinic of Hope
// Rachel DeTellis
From its first week of existence back in 1983 until now, our clinic in Haiti has been a source of help and hope for both our students and the community.
The director, Marie Michelle Saint Felix, is a former student at New Missions. She, along with two other nurses, a lab tech, and a custodian have kept the clinic going even during times when supplies and medications have been difficult to acquire. Each morning, the nurses take turns sharing a devotional and prayer with those who have come for a consultation. The nurses seek to bring both spiritual and physical healing.
(L to R)-Myriam, Marie Michelle (director), Olguine, Florence, and Eveline in front of New Missions Clinic of Hope.
Anelise Pierre, who is 78 years old, chooses our clinic because it is close by, and she cannot afford medicine anywhere else. She visits regularly to monitor her blood pressure and sugar levels. Anelise is so thankful that her issues are stable and that she’s doing well. All first aid, dressing changes, and care of our students is done free of charge. Anelise, along with so many others, has truly been ministered to through the faithful service of our health clinic. ~Rachel DeTellis