Working Together
// Rachel DeTellis
The heart of the message New Missions has shared from the beginning is: Jesus loves you or Jezi renmen ou in Haitian Creole.
Sharing Jesusʼs love takes many forms: preaching, education, medical help, food, and Christmas shoeboxes. It’s a joint effort between sponsors and our Haitian pastors and staff. We’re so thankful for the pastors’ faithful service over the years, and for their children who’ve taken hold of the baton.
J. M. Fontaine, G. Guillaume, B. Jules, E. Guillaume, G. Guillaume and G. Gay, working with their fathers at church, school, and office.
Richard Gay, pastor in Masson, sees his work as a real victory. Ever since he was 10 he wanted to be a teacher. When he was 16, he had an opportunity to help children with their studies. And in 1990, his dream became reality when he began teaching for the mission. Now, as school director, he loves his students, enjoys playing with them (he says this keeps him young), and likes giving them gifts: the best of which is Jesus. His son, Gamma, who graduated from New Missions High School, works with his father. He completed teacher’s training and is now halfway through a four-year theology program. He has seen God answer his prayers for healing in his own life and others, and loves working for God. ~Rachel DeTellis