Revival Services
// Rachel DeTellis
One special event we had this summer was hosting three evenings of revival services for children, organized by the Bord-Mer church. Two of our graduates and one other member took the lead.
Pastor Yaguel and his assistant pastors were the speakers, but the services were led by the children and youth from the Bord-Mer, LaSalle, and Bire churches. In order to have a nice meal together on Sunday, each child took home a slip of paper with a food item listed on it for the family to contribute to the event. So together, they were able to enjoy rice and beans with fried chicken and Coke.
Nerldard Vil, third from right, is leading worship with other girls from Neply. She loves God and her church family.
The theme for the meetings was, “You are not too young to serve God.” Pastor Yaguel says he sees future leaders when he looks at the kids. One rising seventh grader, Nerldard Vil, helped to lead worship. As a young girl, she was sent to Neply because her parents didn’t have the means to care for or educate her. Pray for the seed planted in these young hearts, and that each student who attended would choose to serve God. ~Rachel DeTellis