Famn Pou Jezi
// Rachel DeTellis
I remember attending Jeanne DeTellis’ 50th birthday party in Haiti back in 1992.
It was a ministry party. She had invited the 12 pastors’ wives and other women from each of the New Missions churches. The tables had been decorated, and of course there was good food. This event, along with Jeanne’s ladies Sunday School class, were the stimulus for the women’s ministry that we have in our Haitian churches now. She encouraged these ladies to take leadership and start a group at their church. She called this movement Famn Pou Jezi—Women for Jesus.
Marie Carmel Petit-Homme, from the Bord-Mer Church, stimulates faith and joy as she energetically leads the women’s group in worship.
At present, all of our churches have a women’s ministry. Recently, I was able to visit Bord-Mer and Bire meetings. Some groups meet in the churches, while others move from home to home. They pray, sing, teach, and even memorize Scripture. The typical size of these groups is 15-20, but some churches report as many as 60 to 70 during the summer. Women in the church have an important role in evangelism, modeling Godly living to the younger folk, worship, and service within the church. They are women of faith—living their lives for Jesus. ~Rachel DeTellis