The Bible is what I need to give me guidance, direction, and encouragement. It is my manual for my life.

It’s comparable to a manual you receive to maintain an appliance in good order or to repair. The Bible is also a person; it is God. I hear God speak to me when I read the Bible, His Word. And I love the story of an old woman in India who was taking a literacy course using the Bible. As she walked to her class, young people jeered at her and asked, “What are you carrying under your arm?” The woman answered, “I’m carrying God.”

Our schools are where we teach our students how much God loves them—starting with the Bible.

Our schools are where we teach our students how much God loves them—starting with the Bible.

In my life, I have great joy in carrying God. I have peace hearing from my authority, the Creator of the universe. God gives me words of life.

Join us in giving Bibles to students in Haiti and the Dominican Republic by visiting

Join us in giving Bibles to students in Haiti and the Dominican Republic by visiting

Bibles are needed for our students, and these Bibles also bless the families and communities. Most of our people do not have access to computers or the internet, and the black and white print Bibles are what they need for their constant compass in life.

When we give a Bible to a student, they carry God's Word back to their family.

When we give a Bible to a student, they carry God's Word back to their family.

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