Year-End Service
// Rachel DeTellis
Benjamin Julle, a 2010 graduate of New Missions, was a powerful worship leader at the closing chapel service this school year.
For over four hours, graduates and students prayed, praised and worshipped God—passionately expressing their trust in Him. Amisha Moore, from New Providence Baptist Church in Forsyth, Georgia, challenged the students from the book of Hebrews, chapter 11. She reminded them that none of those mentioned in this Scripture were remembered for their wealth, education, or skill…but for their faith expressed in obedience.
New Providence Baptist Church painted school benches at our Ambas-Peres campus.
Our high school prayer group, Warriors of Peace, planned, decorated and executed all aspects of the service. Bright yellow and white material was draped in the front of the church and all the ushers donned these colors as well. Students also volunteered to cut up vegetables and cook. The church was full, the Spirit of the Lord was there, and each one of us was blessed by the celebration. Afterwards, students enjoyed a meal together. It is encouraging to see our Christian graduates investing in another generation at the high school. Pray that the flame of faith ignited in our youth will continue to burn brighter. ~Rachel DeTellis