Students Helping Students
// Heather Williams Katz
The adolescent years can be filled with many challenges, as teenagers search to discover their own identities.
One way we are helping teens find their purpose in life is by giving them opportunities to help others. This year, we started a student mentoring program for our Leaders for Christ students. Each student mentors a younger student from our school in Redemption—who is having trouble in their classes. How wonderful it is to see older students helping these younger students! The children who are being mentored are always asking when their big brother or sister is going to come back to their school.
Laira Padilla sits with sisters Yoselin and Yocairy Rosa Nolasco every Saturday and helps them memorize their Bible verses.
The teenagers help the students outside the classroom, too. Every Saturday, Laira Padilla, who is also in the Leaders for Christ group, sits with Yoselin and Yocairy Nolasco to help them memorize their Bible verses for the children’s Bible class. Because of her help, the girls were able to say their Bible verses and earn enough points to go on a special trip to Santo Domingo with some other children in the class! We are hoping to be able to expand the mentoring program next year so that more of our high school students can be involved. ~Heather Williams Katz