A Team's Ministry
// Rachel DeTellis
In April, nine out of the ten team members from Oxford Baptist Church in Conover, NC, were first timers to Haiti.
They came with great excitement and a desire to serve. On Sunday, while riding on the back of the flatbed truck after church in Calitor, I heard someone say, “I love this. I’m coming back next year.” It’s beautiful to see lives touched and changed—Haitians and Americans!
Visiting teams hand out shoebox gifts and celebrate more fifth birthday parties—blessing the lives of children.
The team helped with village ministry, shoebox and sneaker distribution, VBS and bench painting. It is a new experience for many to go house-to-house sharing the Gospel. We visited homes in Croix de Per, where Voodoo is still strong, and found folks ready to listen but not to accept Jesus as their Savior. As we were about to leave, one young Christian lady pleaded with us to pray at her home because she sensed intense spiritual oppression. We prayed God’s peace and victory over her life. All team members took turns talking and praying. Some never imagined they could do something like this on their mission journey. God always uses your trip to Haiti to inspire both you and the Haitians. ~Rachel DeTellis