Preaching in the DR
// Heather Williams Katz
Mark 16:15 instructs us to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”
Our church in Bombita is certainly obeying that command. Recently, Pastor Nicolas Santos, along with pastors from other churches in the area, hosted an outdoor evangelistic service in Bombita. Pastor Nicolas meets with these pastors monthly and they plan evangelistic services in different areas each month. There were 13 churches represented at this very special service, including members from our three other Spanish churches.
Pedro Peralta and Pastor Nicolas Santos praying with one of the men who accepted Christ during the service.
Days before the service, pastors and church members started praying. They began to evangelize in the area and invite people to the service. As Pastor Nicolas says, “There are some people who won’t come to church, so we will go to them.” The service began with powerful praise and worship, as everyone raised their voices under the stars. The pastor who shared the message spoke in Spanish and Haitian Creole, so that everyone there could understand. Praise the Lord…two Haitians who live in Bombita accepted Christ as their Savior that night! We praise God for the work He is doing in and through our church in Bombita! ~Heather Williams Katz