Classroom Desks
// Rachel DeTellis
“Game changer” may not be a word one normally uses to describe a school desk or bench, but in Haiti it really is! “Made in Haiti” (not Made in China) is what should be printed on our classroom desks.
Every desk is 100% Haitian made. The lumber is purchased in Port au Prince, and then the desks are fabricated at our Bord-Mer workshop by local carpenters. The desks used in our schools are strengthening families and the community through employment, but of course they are also changing the lives of the individuals who use them each day at school.
Employing Haitians to build desks supports the local economy. Classroom desks are 100% made at our mission in Haiti.
Their classes are math, Creole, French, science, and social studies. Each day includes prayer and a devotion, as well as raising the Haitian flag in the schoolyard. Soccer and jump rope are often played during the childrens’ mid-morning break. By then, the food is cooked and classes take turns having their lunch break. Each week the student body meets together for chapel where the children sing and hear the Word of God. Many of the students attending our schools would not otherwise have the opportunity to consistently attend school. Their lives are being transformed by hearing the truth of the Gospel and developing their minds through education. ~Rachel DeTellis