A Changed Life
// Jeanne DeTellis
Yensi is the little boy I sponsor in the Dominican Republic. He is 10 years old, and he attends our mission school in Bombita.
Yensi is a quiet, shy boy. His mother, Isis, is a beautiful woman, and I did the wedding ceremony for her and her husband, David. Yensi never knew his biological father. I’ve been told that Isis trusted her love to a man who gave her a child, Yensi, but the man was not faithful and faded away with no support—emotionally or financially. Yensi also suffers physical challenges from a blood disorder. My heart aches for him, and I wish I could change his life.
Two students from our school in Ti-Boucan led a Bible reading during chapel service.
Teaching children about Jesus happens in our classrooms. Our teachers model prayer for our students.
Feelings of rejection and abandonment can cause deep emotional scars that can dictate one’s personality and future. However, Yensi has come to know God—all powerful, all loving, and he is standing taller. He stands secure. He stands loved. Yensi knows Jesus loves him.
Jean Fritznel is top of his class. His mother prays for him before school each day. Thank you, sponsors, for partnering with parents to change the life of a child.
On Sunday mornings, he stands with his stepfather and his brother, Luca, at the entrance of New Life Church in Sosua, DR, welcoming people to come and worship. Your prayers for your sponsored child are the healing power to bring miracle changes into their lives. ~Jeanne DeTellis