Pastor Training
// Tim DeTellis
Multiple times a year, we welcome pastors from the United States and Canada to come alongside our pastors and churches for special conferences.
Singing the hymn How Great Thou Art a cappella, you could feel the passion for their purpose and calling in God. To preach the Gospel and serve their communities is why these pastors gathered for a time of encouragement and training.
Pastor Tim Anderson from Clements Baptist Church in Athens, AL, hosted a pastors' training for our churches and network churches.
We are keeping the pioneering spirit alive! This year, we have established a new church on the Leogane Plain in Bossier, and we are planting a new church on the island of La Gonâve. Pastor Diebon Aladin is from the island of La Gonâve and will represent our 30th church in Haiti—to the glory of God.
Our vision is to raise a generation of Christian leaders. We establish schools to educate and provide food and medical care. However, our greatest mission is the spiritual work; alongside each school is a church. We see the local church as the greatest force for good.
We are a house of prayer and as church leaders we come together for unity and encouragement. The local church is the greatest force for good, globally. Thank you for praying for our pastors.
Please remember our pastors in your prayers, as they are on the front lines of meeting the spiritual and physical needs of the children and families in their communities. ~Tim DeTellis