Baptism Festival
// Tim DeTellis
Arriving at the village of Concrab, Haiti, for the “Baptism Festival” reminded me of when I was a teenager living in Haiti, and visited this village for the first time.
At that time, there was nothing in Concrab except for Voodoo and extreme poverty. We eventually established a school, church and also drilled a well for the people of this village.
The new church we built in Concrab, Haiti, welcomed 15 of our churches for a baptism festival. The local church is at the center of all we do—because only God changes lives forever.
I remember setting up the musical equipment for our very first outdoor evangelism service in Concrab. At the end of the service, just one girl prayed to receive Jesus as her Savior. I was discouraged. Only one life? But we went back again and again to Concrab. Today, we have a thriving church and school led by a graduate of New Missions, Fednel Oscar.
Villagers came to witness the water baptism as a testimony of changed lives.
This time, we were back in Concrab to witness 52 believers (representing 15 of our churches) follow in water baptism. It was a glorious sight. “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” Matthew 28:19
We celebrate with the 52 Haitians following in believer's baptism.
Singing and sharing from several of our pastors took place before the baptisms began. One by one in a processional line the baptism candidates walked to the ocean—followed by other believers rejoicing in their public confession of Jesus as their personal Savior. ~Tim DeTellis