Special Deliveries
// Charlie DeTellis
It is a blessing to be a blessing.
In Haiti, we are awaiting the delivery of two containers with miscellaneous items and also food shipments. In preparation, we have been emptying our warehouse distributing a variety of gifts including Christmas shoeboxes, teacher gifts, pastor gifts, Bibles, and sneakers.
Teachers received shoebox gifts at our Vieux-Court Elementary School.
We had a big, tall pallet of sneakers in our warehouse in Haiti that recently went to our Signeau school. I made the drop-off with one of our trucks, and our Haitian translators distributed the sneakers. It was a blessing to see the children running near the truck with excitement. They knew that gifts were being delivered for them. The Haitian children are truly needy and extremely appreciative.
Some students have to share a pair of shoes with a sibling, so these gifts are a big deal!
Our schools and churches continue to function with excellence. As a result, the Haitian children love their schools and churches. The Haitian people are resilient and hopeful. With their hope in God, they will not be disappointed. Please pray for Haiti and our future deliveries of Christmas shoeboxes, food, and various other gifts. It is a wise investment helping some of the poorest people in the world. Haiti truly thanks you.
The students were invited to pick out their own pair of sneakers.
“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’” Matthew 25:40 ~Charlie DeTellis