Christmas Shoebox Gifts
// Rachel DeTellis
We all agree that the best gifts cannot be bought, but the New Missions students think receiving a Christmas shoebox gift is pretty awesome.
A big thank you to all who packed or paid for these gifts; every single student receives one! If you sent a gift specifically for your sponsor child, he/she will also receive that shoebox.
Claudeson will enjoy playing soccer with friends. His family has a Christmas meal together and his dad buys him cookies.
When the shoeboxes were distributed in Lassale, Haiti, we asked a few children some questions. “What did you like best? If you had a wish list, what would be on it? If you could, what would you send to the person who packed the gift?” Claudeson Louis (6th grade) loved the ball and his biggest wish is for a bike. He would send you a watch. Wadkencia Romain (5th grade) liked the notebooks, and wishes for a doll. She would send you a cake. Lenskerry Lucien (1st grade) really liked his sunglasses and toothpaste, and on his wish list is clothes. He would also send you a watch. Each one says thank you. Your giving brought a lot of smiles and met some needs. ~Rachel DeTellis