Shoebox Drive Season
// Tim DeTellis
For the kids of New Missions, they know our Shoebox Drive season is coming.
But more important than a box of gifts is the love and prayers sent. We know it’s because of your generosity that our Shoebox Drive is even possible.
Thank you, LifePointe Church in Eustis, FL, for sending volunteers to serve during our Shoebox Drive season.
Behind the scenes are people like you packing and preparing to bless the lives of our students and their families. I love to hear the sound of prayer during Shoebox Drive season. As volunteer groups serve in Orlando, each session begins with prayer. Across churches and schools in the United States where shoeboxes are collected, their efforts begin with prayer to be effective and productive.
Each shoebox gift matters because each child matters to God.
In Haiti, the sound of children singing and giving thanks is a treasured moment. They know shoebox season is here when they see cargo containers weave down the three-mile dirt road to the New Missions warehouse in Bord-Mer, Haiti. The joy of giving is the greatest gift.
“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35
Smilie Faust and Teresa McFadden from the Family Ties life group at First Orlando faithfully serve during our Shoebox Drive.
This year, how many shoebox gifts will you pack? Will your church host a collection? For ideas and resources visit and together, let’s help families flourish. ~Tim DeTellis