Trip of a Lifetime
// Jeanne DeTellis Loudon
In 1977, I went to India. The smells, sounds, and food were different. I went to India to share Jesus with other women.
The small plane from Madras to Madurai had live chicks packed in the back of the plane. The women sat on mats and we ate our food out of banana leaves. The sharing of Jesus definitely bonded us together. That trip sent a man to Bible school, and a church was built in Vandalur!
Jeanne DeTellis Loudon dreamed of being a missionary and now lives life on mission wherever she goes.
That same year, I went to Haiti and through the Council of Evangelical Churches we started feeding children. A few years later, we visited the very land where New Missions began in Leogane, Haiti, in 1983.
I’ve seen mission teams arrive over and over, and wondered what will they do. I’ve never ceased to see God at work. Twelve years ago, Lucie Myre came to Haiti. When Lucie visited Lasalle, she found a newborn boy (Wilgard Monmain) with his grandmother, as his mother died in childbirth. Lucie provided him with formula and today, Wilgard is in sixth grade, with Lucie as his sponsor.
Wilgard Monmain’s mother died in childbirth. Today, he is in sixth grade and attends school in Lasalle, Haiti.
Thanks to a child sponsorship from Lucie Myre, the entire family is blessed and changed forever.
Come on a new type of mission trip…a “Trip of a Lifetime” which includes a video-based curriculum. Be a walk on the water walker, and see what God can do through YOU! ~Jeanne DeTellis Loudon