Celebrating More Fifth Birthdays
// Dave Nowak
Reaching a milestone in life often brings out reflection; the successes, the setbacks, the people and places that brought you to where you are today.
This month I turn 40 years old, and for the last 20 years, I have had the privilege to serve alongside the team at New Missions. Throughout my time serving with New Missions, I have literally seen thousands of children move from heart-breaking poverty to a happy and healthy life.
Join the I Am Hope Club and help more children under five. Learn more at newmissions.org/birthday
Dave Nowak and his family's support helped Daphken reach his fifth birthday and then continue in our school.
As I think about my 40th birthday, I am reminded that nearly half of the children born in Haiti do not reach their fifth birthday. This is a staggering statistic that I know we can change together. God’s potential for their lives is bigger than the poverty they were born into. New Missions is ministering to these children, giving them a jump-start on beating the odds of infant mortality in the Third World. All of our elementary schools have preschool programs caring for children under five.
The joy of seeing students reaching the milestone of their fifth birthday gives many reasons to throw a party.
This year, I also want to celebrate with those children who are turning five in Haiti and the DR. So I am “giving away” my birthday, and I encourage you to join me. The presents, the meals, the vacation—whatever it is—let’s give it away so more children can celebrate their fifth birthday. ~Dave Nowak