How many times can we say thank you? How about 170,670 times?

We are thrilled to report that over the past 12 years, children across Haiti and the Dominican Republic have received 170,670 shoebox gifts. This strongly represents your love, generosity, and faithfulness.

Thank you for your generosity of packing and sending shoeboxes for our students.

Thank you for your generosity of packing and sending shoeboxes for our students.

Our Shoebox Drive began when child sponsors began calling our office asking if they could send a gift to their child for Christmas. We quickly expanded the gift giving by asking others to provide gifts for students without a sponsor. Now, we’ve extended shoebox gifts for our pastors, teachers, nurses, and infants.

Together, we are blessing children, teachers, nurses, pastors, and infants with shoebox gifts.

Together, we are blessing children, teachers, nurses, pastors, and infants with shoebox gifts.

Each shoebox gift is bigger than a box because of what’s inside. In every box that’s purchased and sent, the Gospel message is included in their native language. I have stepped inside the classroom to see a child open a shoebox and then quickly close it telling me, “I want to bring it home to open with my family.” It’s like they snuck a peek and then couldn’t wait to share the joy of opening their gifts at home.

We appreciate volunteers hosting our Shoebox Drive at churches like Clements Baptist Church in Athens, Alabama.

We appreciate volunteers hosting our Shoebox Drive at churches like Clements Baptist Church in Athens, Alabama.

Here are three ways you can participate in our Shoebox Drive: (1) You can pack a shoebox and send it to our office. (2) You can host a packing party and invite others to join the fun by showing your love and generosity. (3) You can order a shoebox packed on your behalf by simply visiting ~Tim DeTellis

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