Sneakers for Haiti
// Rachel DeTellis
The November mission team was privileged to do a sneaker distribution at our school in L’Acul, Haiti. We had just received 3,060 pairs of beautiful canvas, high-top sneakers donated by a member of Cornerstone Church in Long Beach, California.
The students loved them! Many of them were wide-eyed and in disbelief that they received such a cool pair of shoes! Recently, someone asked me if all the students got sneakers. I replied by saying last school year we only had enough sneakers for about a third of our schools.
Students from our L'Acul school in Haiti enjoyed the gift of new pairs of sneakers. Save the Date: April 1 - June 30, 2019 for our annual Give Sneakers campaign. Learn more at
Purchasing shoes is a big expense for the very poor in Haiti. This year, we’d love to see each of our students receive a new pair of shoes. Because all Haitian schools use uniforms, the black sneakers are prized most highly. Children may wear any shoes to our schools, but culturally they prefer the black ones—but ALL are very much appreciated. For some students the pair of shoes worn to school is the only pair they own. A big thank you to all who have donated sneakers for our students. ~Rachel DeTellis