Lunch at School
// Tim DeTellis
Is it important to feed children? My father would say, “How can you educate a child if they are hungry?”
Since 1983, our mission has provided lunch at school. In doing the math for the total meals served over 35 years, it equals 50 million meals!
Thanks to your generosity, we are saying goodbye to hunger and hello to hope. We don’t just provide food for a day of crisis—we provide a meal to a child growing and learning. I was recently asked what I do. My response: “I help children born into poverty become empowered to live a transformed life.”
Monthly, food is distributed to each school campus for the students' daily meals.
Most days I am mad at poverty because it robs the mind of hope. People born into poverty may feel trapped and hopeless. Most Haitians convey how poverty is just a way of life…living to survive. Many of the students who come to our mission schools still have their only meal for the day at school.
Thanks to your generosity, we continue to provide lunch at all of our schools in Haiti. Together, we are feeding hungry minds, souls and bodies. ~Tim DeTellis