// Tim DeTellis
Driving on the dirt roads in Haiti requires four-wheel drive.
“Have you ever felt stuck?”
Many times, growing up in Haiti, I found myself jumping out of our Toyota pickup truck and unlocking the tires so we could switch the vehicle into 4x4 mode and drive out of the mud. It’s not always that easy to get unstuck in life. We wish we could just flip a switch or turn on the all-wheel drive option in life...or could we?
Have you ever felt stuck? Wondered if you could make it through a difficult situation? Maybe there was a project you were working on or a difficult conversation you were in, and in your mind you questioned how you would find a way to resolve the issue. Sometimes, life throws us curve balls and we strike, but the next day we wake up and know we need to try again, but it’s still hard.
At four years of age, my son Luc decided he had an interest in electrical outlets and specifically, wanting to plug in lights. Well, this could be quite dangerous. I remember kneeling down in the kitchen and showing him how to gently plug and unplug an electrical cord. When Luc turned 13, he had programmed his first app to be published on the Apple app store. We were at a coffee shop and he was trying to upload the code to the Apple server for them to review his programming code. He was frustrated because the upload kept failing. Finally, I turned to Luc and said, “Ask God and try harder.” This little phrase became something we began to say to each other when we felt stuck.
Personally, I find being stuck can also drive me deeper into a posture of prayer. Daily, we are surrendering to what’s next. We think we should know what is behind the next door. In faith we trust God to guide, and know in truth He is already wherever we go.
Jesus said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7-8) Typically, many read this and think Jesus is giving you the key to do anything you set your mind to when this is truly a call to prayer. Jesus does not say what you will find; this Scripture guides us to “what’s next.” Through Him, we can have confidence, as He already knows what’s on the other side of the door of our requests. Yes, there is also a tone of persistence and determination in these verses—yet the foundation is trust.
I received a package in the mail for my birthday. Opening the box revealed a surprise from my son Luc. It was a wooden sign with the words: “Ask God and try harder.” Today, that sign is a daily reminder as it sits on a bookshelf in my office. It’s like turning on the four-wheel drive in my heart and mind to trust God whenever I feel stuck. He can pull me through even when I feel too confused. God’s wisdom gives clarity when we ask Him and then try harder. He alone can lift us up. ~Tim DeTellis