Dry Food Distributions
// Rachel DeTellis
Americans rushed out to grocery stores to stock up as COVID-19 began to spread in our nation.
The Coronavirus is now in Haiti, but sadly most Haitians are not able to buy extra food because they lack finances and refrigeration. Many have to shop on almost a daily basis. Food insecurity is a very real thing.
Our warehouse manager, Osmique, oversees the distribution of food to each school.
When the president of Haiti announced that schools must close and no gatherings should be more than 10 people, we knew we must still somehow provide the food our students would have received in their school lunches. Nutrition is a key factor in staying healthy and being able to fight off sickness. Many in Haiti are vulnerable due to being undernourished. In keeping with the government’s directives to not assemble, we decided to provide the students with uncooked food to take home to their families. In this way, the children will still receive the nourishment and families will be protected from the possible spread of the virus. We are committed to continue feeding the students during this difficult time. ~Rachel DeTellis