Life Is Better Together
// Tim DeTellis
Ansanm means “together” in Haitian Creole. Togetherness makes life better because you have community to share life with.
“Jesus gathered disciples to be with Him on the journey.”
When I lived in Haiti, I saw the strength of togetherness as villagers would gather at the shoreline to help pull in the fishing nets. It took many hands and the strength of togetherness to survive. Unfortunately, after years of living back in U.S., I began to forget the importance of community like I experienced in a Third World country.
Now, lifestyle in the United States seems to be more about individual privacy and a lifestyle of isolation. More than ever, hate has become a popular campaign that’s dividing people, and our communities are becoming places lacking a culture of togetherness. As followers of Jesus, we must take a stand and begin to live out the model of community Jesus shows us, as he invited others to come and follow Him. What if we became the community builders as people of faith? How can we bring people together around the purpose of sharing God’s love with others?
Jesus did not do life alone. He gathered disciples to be with Him on the journey, and during their time together they grew in fellowship and faith. There is no substitute for face-to-face time together. “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles;” Luke 6:12-13.
Imagine the togetherness of these disciples; together, praying…and ultimately encouraging one another. In Acts 2:42-47 we see believers who are now filled with the Holy Spirit, and we see how they devoted themselves to the Apostles’ teaching, fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and prayer. The life of a disciple was modeled by time learning God’s teachings, spending time together in conversation, sharing meals together, and personal prayer time.
Acts 4:32 says, “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions was their own, but they shared everything they had.” All we have is not all for us, but God gave it to us for helping others. My prayer is, “Dear Lord, use me to make a difference right where I am and wherever I go.”
Being a good neighbor does not need to be complicated, but we do need to be intentional. I’m trying my best at getting to know my neighbors. One day my phone rang and it was Marlene from next door. In a frantic voice she said, “Tim are you home?” Yes, I am, I responded. “Good, because I’m out of town and Jorge needs your help,” Marlene said. “He was pressure washing and got something in his eye; it’s swelling badly and his vision is blurry. Can you take him to urgent care?” I quickly drove over and picked up Jorge because life is better together.
Making a difference takes proximity. The closeness and reach is nearby for a life to be impacted by another. This is togetherness. God has you near others and those people can be influenced by you, and your actions of love and care. Sharing life together is the Gospel lived out in our lives with others. God did not intend for us to do life alone. Life is better together. ~Tim DeTellis