Lessons from A Child
// Charlie DeTellis
My wife Rachel and I started raising our four children in Haiti. I’ve realized there is much to be learned from our kids—and children in general.
“We need to have a childlike faith.”
Children can portray innocence, optimism, love, and amazing faith! Some of the wonderful memories we have together are having devotions under the mango tree with visiting teams, and also doing village ministry together. While visiting the Haitians’ homes, our kids would help pray for people. Of course, they enjoyed our pet dogs and goats. One goat, Ivory, used to steal bananas from the bunch we typically had hanging on the front deck of our house. Also, our son Nathan had an older friend who would take him horseback riding down the beach or to LaSalle. And…I do mean horseback riding because there was no saddle. It was an added blessing to have the kidsʼ grandparents, George and Jeanne, with them. Children’s sense of amazement, their faith, and their love are characteristics we should all have.
We need to have a heart like a child. “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.” (Psalm 19:1). Children are constantly amazed by nature. During the spring, a child may say: “Mommy, look! I see flowers growing up through the snow.” Every day of each season has something new and exciting for those who have a childlike attitude of wonder and amazement toward God’s creation. This attitude is powerful because it points us to the God who created it and His greatness. We all have to deal with the hardships of life, but we must keep a light heart and focus on the positive. With a childlike sense of amazement, we, too, can bring glory to God.
We need to have faith like a child. “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” (Mark 10:14-15). The intensity and sincerity of a child’s prayer is powerful to observe. While children are young and have a strong desire to learn, it is important to teach their tender hearts about the things of God. I am thankful for my wife who faithfully read Bible stories to our children. Faith must be exercised daily. It is believing without seeing, and it is standing upon the promises of God. Our God is stronger and greater. We need to believe and trust like a child.
We need to love like a child. “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:18). Children naturally love their parents. They don’t have to think about it. We, also, just as naturally need to truly love God and others. Still, children do need a strong family structure and I truly applaud mothers. A strong home life provides a good foundation for loving others. I am learning to be a better husband, father, friend, brother, son, and follower of Jesus. I am holding onto Christ and I am glad that He is holding onto me. He is our greatest example of love—a love that never fails. ~Charlie DeTellis